
This tournament is intended for the enjoyment of everyone involved. It is expected that all participants will compete in this spirit. All decisions by the Tournament Committee will be final.

Entry Fee

$400 per vessel by April 30th. Starting May 1st, $500 per vessel for up to 4 angler’s. If the captain of the vessel wants to weigh-in fish, he must be listed as a registered Angler. $75 per additional angler. Entries will be accepted until 6:00 pm, Fri. May 24th at Pirates Cove Marina & Resort.

All Fees are Non-Refundable

On May 25th, rainy or inclement weather constitutes a fishing day. In case of unsafe weather, at the discretion of the tournament committee, fishing may be canceled or postponed to Sunday, May 26th. If canceled, purse will be added to the 2025 Tournament.

Registration and Captains Meeting

MANDATORY FOR ALL CAPTAINS OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES to attend. Captains’ check-in will be on Friday, May 24th, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Pirates Cove Marina & Resort…to receive vessel identification numbers and complimentary gifts. The Captains meeting will follow at 6:30 pm for official rules, review, questions and answers.

Ineligible Vessels

Vessels that are rigged or equipped for BULK HARVESTING of fish as a product, are prohibited. All vessels must be in compliance with all state and federal laws as they apply to safety equipment, licenses, registration, etc. All vessels should be equipped with an operative VHF radio.

Eligible Vessels

No minimum or maximum size restrictions. Vessels that are engaged in the PROMOTING THE SPORT of fishing or the catching of fish in a sportsman-like manner are eligible.

Check – Out

On Saturday, May 25th, all vessels must check-out with the committee boat…both by VHF radio and visually, by displaying their designated tournament number. Check-out time will be between 6:15 am and 8:00 am. If out of Ft. Pierce Inlet, check-out is at the south picnic area of the jetty. Look for the T.C.B.A. banner. Failure to check-out or check-in will result in a disqualification for that day.

Committee Boat

Shall be anchored inside the Stuart Inlet. It shall be identified by a flag or banner and will monitor a VHF radio channel 72 and mobile phone with the phone number published at Captain’s Meeting.

Check – In

Is by radio or mobile phone. Check-in time is by 4:00 pm on Saturday. Failure to check-in on Saturday will necessitate calling the Coast Guard and you will be billed accordingly

Fishing License

Proof of fishing license is required.

Captain’s Responsibilities

Captain’s assume full responsibilities for their crew and boat. Fishing all day or partial day constitutes a tournament.

Junior Angler

Applies to anyone 14 years or younger.

T.C.B.A. Rules

Kites, wireline, live bait, manual downriggers and planers may be used. Electric reels of any kind are not permitted to be used during the tournament nor shall they be on the fishing vessel at the time of the tournament. Shooting, harpooning or dynamiting of any fish is prohibited.

Eligible Fish

DOLPHIN, KINGFISH, WAHOO, GROUPER, SNAPPER (excluding Cubera species and Hind Groupers). Weigh in allows one fish, per category, per angler, per day. All fish must adhere to all state & federal regulations.

Protected Species

It is unlawful to harvest, possess, land, purchase, sell, or exchange the following species: Nassau Grouper, Goliath Grouper (Jewfish), Sawfish, Basking Shark, Whale Shark, Spotted Eagle Ray, Sturgeon, White Shark, Sand Tiger Shark, Bigeye Sand Tiger Shark, and Manta Ray.

In Case of Tie

First to be weighed in is the winner.

Catch Limits

All local, State and Federal laws apply. Mackerel limits will be strictly enforced. MANDATORY sailfish release (certificates will be awarded). Injured or mutilated fish are not eligible.


Is at Pirates Cove Resort & Marina ONLY. All fish must be transferred directly from the participant’s vessel to an official fish carrier or be escorted by a tournament official for weigh-in by 4:00 pm on Saturday. A visual of the boat number by the committee radio operator with communication to the weigh master, prior to 4:00 pm, fish may be weighed-in. If participating in any other fishing tournament weigh-in of fish must be at the T.C.B.A. tournament first. Failure to do so will result in the disqualification of the fish.


Any protest must be submitted to the Weigh Master in writing prior to the closing of the weigh-in station on the day it occurs, by a Captain registered in the Tournament. Each protest must be accompanied by a one-hundred dollar ($100) deposit. In the event the protest is upheld, the $100 deposit will be refunded. If the protest is not upheld, the $100 deposit will be forfeited. The decision of the Rules Committee is final and binding regarding any protest.


All entrants agree to submit to a polygraph at the request of the Tournament. The results of the polygraph will be considered by the Rules Committee, along with any relevant information, which in their sole discretion will determine whether the entrant will be disqualified. Failure to submit to such an examination will result in disqualification of the entrant at the sole discretion of the Rules Committee.

VIP Tournament Within a Tournament

Winnings under this Tournament are in addition to General Tournament winnings. All General Tournament rules apply. Only registered Captain’s and Angler’s in the General Tournament may enter. A separate fee of $50 per angler registers their name in the drawing for a cash prize of up to $10,000. A minimum of 240 entries in the VIP tournament must be received for a full payout. Less than 240 entries in the VIP tournament and the prize money will be based on 75% of all monies collected. The winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet by drawing a single angler’s name in a separate drawing. Registered Angler must be present to win.

Grand Slam

Weigh 3 of the 5 eligible offshore species (1 fish per category), heaviest combined weight wins 75% of what is collected for the Grand Slam. A separate fee of $50 per boat to enter. Must enter no later than Friday, May 24th. Winnings under this Tournament are in addition to General Tournament winnings. All General Tournament rules apply. Only registered Boats in the General Tournament may enter. The winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet. A registered Angler for the winning boat must be present to win.


38th Annual Memorial Weekend Fishing Tournament

May 24, 2024 – May 25, 2024